Two Months Later — I’m Still Not Writing For Free

Madison Sasser
4 min readJan 13, 2022
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

I declared my independence when I joined Medium.

I told the internet, “I Will Not Write for Free.”

Two months later…

I’m still not writing for free.

I made $33 writing in December, but my decision to stand up for my work isn’t financial.

Yes, I am writing to combat rent inflation, but I’m also writing to establish a portfolio. I’m investing in myself, and I hope to turn my writing into a brand. Writing is part of my long-term career plan.

The Response to My Article was Overwhelming

I did not expect the response I Will Not Write for Free received.

Like me, some of my readers are trying to establish themselves as freelance writers, and they expressed their frustration with prospective clients who requested free work. Other readers told me about a point in their career where they wrote for free and they explained why they regretted not valuing their early writing more. But mostly, my readers are frustrated that their portfolios and degrees are not enough to land paying clients.

We have come so far as a society and as writers.We did the work. We developed our craft and continue to hone our skills. Technology has made publishing more…



Madison Sasser

I am a Gen Z determined to be everything wrong with the workforce. I blog about neurodiversity, employment trends, and my novel-writing journey.