I’m Just An Angry Kid With a Blog

We All Start Somewhere

Madison Sasser
6 min readJan 12, 2024
Photo of Writer

A few weeks ago, the managing partner who decided to fire me ended up at a table I was serving.

It happened in slow motion.

I was already taking their drink order when he walked up from behind me and greeted his family.

I looked up and saw him, and at that exact moment, he recognized me.

We both realized the next hour would be incredibly uncomfortable because we both knew he was the one who decided to fire me two years ago, but his family didn’t.

After dinner was over, he said, “You look familiar. Maybe you served me at another restaurant. Is this your only restaurant job?”

Before you give him the benefit of the doubt, he hired me after two interviews and an extensive background check because I handled the sensitive information of high-asset clients. There were only 15 people in the office I worked at for eight months.

He recognized me, and out of everything he could have said, those are the words he chose.

I explained that I had worked at another restaurant a few months ago, but now I’m working here. Then I went on to greet my next table. I could have explained that I run a blog or that I recently applied to graduate school, but it wasn’t his…



Madison Sasser

I am a Gen Z determined to be everything wrong with the workforce. I blog about neurodiversity, employment trends, and my novel-writing journey.