How It Feels To Be Twitter Famous IRL

Why No One Should Aspire to Be Twitter Famous

Madison Sasser
5 min readJan 17, 2024
Photo of Writer

I have 15.9K followers on Twitter.

I self-proclaimed myself “Twitter famous” (let’s be real, no one really calls it X) after I hit 10K followers because I heard on a publishing industry podcast that’s how many followers I would need to get my writing taken seriously.

Spoiler Alert: I still don’t have a book deal.

I downplayed my Twitter fame because I was worried how people IRL (in real life) would react when they found my Twitter account.

Most People Don’t Know I’m Twitter Famous

I stopped caring what I looked like after I started working in a restaurant.

I greet tables with a mustard stain on my right boob in a ridiculous uniform I’m sure is cultural appropriation, and I don’t think twice about it.

I prefer to be invisible.

It’s a lot easier to eavesdrop that way.

Then, all of a sudden, one of the high school kids I work with looks me up on Twitter and says, “Whoa, dude! You didn’t tell me you were Twitter famous!”

Then he hits the person next to him in the arm and says, “Did you know she was Twitter famous?”



Madison Sasser

I am a Gen Z determined to be everything wrong with the workforce. I blog about neurodiversity, employment trends, and my novel-writing journey.