How Do You Know If You’re In Love?

How Much Is Certainty Worth To You?

Madison Sasser
4 min readNov 18, 2023
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

I watched the movie Fingernails on Apple TV tonight.

The premise of the movie is that couples take a test to confirm they are in love by each ripping out one of their fingernails and putting the ripped-out fingernail into a machine that looks like it was invented in the 1950s.

The test doesn’t determine biological compatibility.

It measures your psychological response to see if it’s consistent with being in love.

That distinction is important to note.

The movie made me wonder how many couples would take the test to be sure their feelings were returned because they don’t trust themselves or because they don’t trust their partner.

They may take the test because they value certainty or scientific evidence.

Would you pull out your fingernail to be certain you loved your partner?

Would you pull out your fingernail to be certain they loved you?

What Does The Test Measure?

What’s most noteworthy is what the test doesn’t measure.

The results only come in three intervals.



Madison Sasser

I am a Gen Z determined to be everything wrong with the workforce. I blog about neurodiversity, employment trends, and my novel-writing journey.